Thursday, 12 January 2017

Humph in a Grump

Don't be fooled by the big googly eyes or the air of apparent innocence...fifteen seconds earlier he'd had his ears back and his eyes slanted like the devil incarnate as he swiped an unsheathed paw at the teenogre who tried to give him a stroke in his bag of choice. This normally placid fellow was having one of his rare offdays. He'd taken umbridge when I'd snatched away my feather duster after I'd caught him "killing" it and pulling bits off. Not much of a feather duster if it doesn't have any feathers is it now! Haughtily he stalked off and sat on the lid of the compost heap pointedly ignoring everyone, until he felt we had earnt his forgiveness.

Unfortunately within minutes of his triumphant return he and I had clashed again for I had turfed him off the dining table in disgust. He knows full well that he's not allowed up there.....his rump is to remain firmly away from any sites of human food consumption/preparation whether that be the afore said offending wooden article or the kitchen work tops. It's non negotiable in my book. Hence his retreat to the orange plastic bag of choice to lick his wounds and regroup.

I am pleased to report that today he is back to his more usual default setting of friendly, cuddly and starving. He's a big cat if he's in a grump and not to be messed with!



  1. Oh let 'um know who the boss is...but don't forget who feeds you either! x

    1. I should like it to be known that they don't feed me anywhere near often!

    2. I see you too have to negotiate with your cat, sometimes diplomatic relations between human and cat kind in our house can be a little tetchy then suddenly the situation is resolved and then we have a plethora of cats on laps or demanding food! Would not have it any other way! =^.^=

    3. It's their mercurial temperament which fascinates and draws me to them in the first place. Cats just don't give a stuff [I do like dogs too I should add]

  2. Ah yes, the disgruntled Cat... I know those days all too well. I have always said that Dogs have Masters but Cats have Staff and perhaps why I am more inclined to appreciate their peculiar habits and most independent indifference about what us mere mortals think about any of it! I had a Beloved Cat named Rat Boy for over 20 years, she had been born in a plastics factory and perhaps because of that she liked to chew on plastic... anything plastic, so fang marks were on anything plastic in our Home for two decades! She used to get so miffed when I'd intercede to Salvage our plastic possessions and behave exactly like you Shared, with utter contempt for us for a while just so we'd know how she felt about it. Happy New Year from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

    1. Rat Boy sounds extraordinary. My old feline, Psychocat, was nicknamed by me because she was completely bonkers and fearless. Tiny, limped and would fight and chase anything/any size. A real survivor from the streets before we gave her a home. Very affectionate too I might add. Arilx


A Quite Interesting Monday

I had yesterday off and we spent nearly three hours in a queue [the British do so love a queue] in London in the freezing cold. Was it worth...