Thursday 13 April 2017

50th Birthday Gift.

Three years ago Mr GBT and I enjoyed spending a day in Salisbury. We saw all sorts, but the highlight for me was Mompesson House. The original write up is here What particularly caught my eye was the metamorphic toilet table. Known as the Rudd table, it's based on one owned by the infamous forger and erstwhile 18th century courtesan, Margaret Caroline Rudd.

Since 2005 Mr GBT has worked as a miniature furniture maker. It was never meant to be a full time job, but the redundancy axe fell and with no further openings in his narrow field of expertise we had to adapt. Many sensible souls would have had a business plan, but we've never fallen into that category. Instead every piece he makes has been based upon my gut reaction to furniture that I see just when we're out and about...he designs the first piece for me and in my dollshouse it goes. This was one of those occasions, but he now has an 18 month waiting list, so it seemed unlikely that a Rudd table would be coming my way anytime soon.

Despite the odds being stacked against me, he has worked like a Trojan in his spare time and has proved me wrong. It's taken him two years from inception and has been worth every minute of the wait! If I say that the top is 4" x 3" this will give you an idea of the scale of it. We will launch it at the biggest show in London next month.

Oh dear I fear I shall have to skive off my assistant duties when I'm there and see if I can find some lovely teeny things with which to fill it! Life is hard!



  1. Woah! that is gloriously teeny weeny and such detail x happy birthday!🎂

  2. That's really lovely. The detail is fantastic.

  3. That is just so incredible. Looking forward to meeting the very talented Mr GBT shortly. xx

  4. Oh my goodness, that is exquisite! x

  5. There are certain advantages to being married to a maker when you're a collector! Thank you for all your lovely comments. Just wanted to share!

  6. That is gorgeous, as an owner of a dollshouse it would fit beautifully. The detail is immaculate.

    1. Thank you Thelma. I consider myself very lucky to own it. He now needs to make another five for other people!


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