Sunday, 21 May 2017

You Learn Something New Every Day.

Isn't that how the perceived wisdom goes? I suspect I do, but in reality most of it doesn't stand out enough for me to really notice. However, if you were to ask me what three new things have you learnt this last week I would be able to answer this time.

1. Unscrewing/screwing things. Usually I try each direction randomly until I find the one that works. Now I know it's "righty tighty, lefty loosey " it's been filed in the memory banks under "Improving your D.I.Y skills".

2. I've been unpeeling bananas from the wrong end for years. Pinch the bottom end a treat.

3. My son has a pet toad living in his bathroom in Bangladesh called Fred. Not information that's of any use to anybody else, but it made me smile. I didn't make any promises about the quality of it did I now!!

Then something I don't know....what the heck is this grotesque on Winchester Cathedral doing? I haven't the foggiest, but I'm sure somebody will come up with a very plausible explanation.



  1. Could he, when the picture is enbiggend, be spewing rainwater runoff into the downpipe?

  2. I didn't know about the screw thing! I must try and remember that (although I do have difficulty trying to distinguish between left and right!)
    Fred the toad! Sounds like your son is having an interesting trip. xxx

    1. My son is having an amazing time. He loves the sense of community over there but has found the traffic rather terrifying!

    2. I'm loving the bathroom toad. That would appeal to me too! X

    3. He hasn't seen Fred for a couple of days. It's so interesting hearing about the wildlife on a different continent!

    4. Well the monster is definitely pulling his face, unfortunately we can't see his mouth, so maybe he was an earlier drainpipe.

    5. Very possible Thelma.


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...