Wednesday, 18 November 2020

The Community Fridge

About this time last year I heard that a local group had come together to try and raise sufficient funds to start a community fridge. The idea behind it was to be able to offer perishable supermarket goods that did not meet the criteria of the foodbank free to anyone so that they would not go to landfill. The fundraising deadline was looming and they were still some way off target. It's the sort of volunteer initiative that fires me with enthusiasm so I promoted it on social media and used the Sussex Green Living FB page to raise awareness as I would have hated to have seen it not get out of the blocks.

Fast forward to this month and I am thrilled to say despite the challenges of lockdown and having to find another site to host the fridge it's became a reality. It sensibly sets limits on how much each individual can take per visit, but I felt really elated after paying it a visit yesterday morning. Already it's being well received and they are hoping to extend their opening hours. I was very pleased with what I picked out and those grapes didn't last long once TYM and I got going!!

It will all get used. Projects such as this remind me just how many good people there still are volunteering for the greater good of the community....unlike our local MP who voted against feeding the children who needed it most during half term😢



  1. What a brilliant initiative - I think I will suggest it to our community shop team - they are so proactive with their approach to the looking after the collective.

    'Our' (well - I did not vote for him so I am stuck with something I did not want...) MP was another who voted against feeding children. I often email him about various things and he always replies - either personally or one of those generic proforma emails that cover a variety of non specific replies .... except this time, when I emailed him and said that
    a. I did not vote for him, but am stuck with him and his party,
    b. I was ashamed of him for not voting for helping the school meals programme and
    c. I was GLAD I did not vote for him seeing how he behaved.
    This time was the first time (ever) I did not get a reply..... says something doesn't it?

    1. Ours is keeping a very low profile at the moment. You only ever get a standard letter from him in response. Never have nor will vote for him. Arilx

  2. What a lovely idea - hope it's not abused ( my cynical mind).
    My conservative MP is a doctor who works in mental health and he "got permission" to be absent on that vote!

    1. They've got volunteers there overseeing it [it's only open for a very limited period] and you are restricted as to how much you can take. They've been running one down in Littlehampton for a couple of years. Arilx

  3. Fantastic idea. This is the way to go.

    1. Let's hope lots of others do the same thing. Arilx

  4. What a lovely community project. We don't have any perishable free little food library's, but popping up are little food shelves in neighborhood boxes that also include books.

    1. That sounds an excellent alternative. Arilx

    2. Great idea! Your community is lucky to have you.

    3. Our community has lots of like minded people so we are very lucky. Arilx

  5. A place called Perfectly Edible does this in Leicester West End..for any Leicester readers here.They used to be free but asked for a donation.and as you you imagine,some people just took advantage and walked out with a suitcase full,leaving nothing.Now..if it is still the same they charge £2 for a tote bag full.About the same size as a Tesco bag.Bargain and saving it from landfill.xx

    1. It's a great idea Debi and people need access to cheap or free food. Arilx


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