Friday, 8 October 2021

The reopening.

If I'm on my own in the town two of my favourite things to do are to visit the library and the museum. I can never leave the first without a pile of books and the latter without having unearthed a new gem or taken in one of their ever changing exhibitions. The library reopened some months ago, but much to my sadness the museum has remained shut since the first lockdown and the reopening date has been put back several times. Thankfully that day has finally come and it opened its doors once more last weekend. Today was my first chance to go. During its closure the team have taken the chance to empty the cabinets and completely restructure the displays. Perhaps some will be unhappy with the results of this radical overhaul, but I, for one, have embraced the changes. It has freshened the whole place up and breathed new life into it. Naturally I was my usual snap happy self, but I shall limit myself to just the one here. Shards of stunning Roman glass found in London.

Have a great weekend folks!



  1. Such bright colours. Looking slightly like a display of liquorice allsorts from someone who needs to be wearing stronger glasses! x

    1. They reminded me of sweeties too! Arilx

  2. I enlarged the picture, they are truly stunning and would make beautiful jewellery, such vibrant colours.
    Were they found locally?

    1. They were found in London apparently. Arilx

  3. Getting back to our loved museum last spring was amazing. When something is deied, it makes the going again so wonderful.

    1. It does make you truly value the things you took for granted before Covid doesn't it. Arilx

  4. I fear I'd leave a nose print on the Roman glass display case!

    Good for this museum team, using the down time to clean and refurbish. We've done the same at our local county museum, discovering "treasures" hidden in boxes for decades.

    1. I used to volunteer at the museum years ago before I had my son....the treasures in the archives. I could have happily spent all day just opening boxes! Arilx



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...