Wednesday, 1 December 2021

A bit betwixt and between

 Another visit to one of my favourite haunts....Nymans Gardens [NT] which is near here and perfect if you've only got a couple of hours to spare before the light starts going at this time of year. This time I went with my friend E and we were treated to one of those bitterly cold, but crystal clear days of sunshine that I appreciate at this time of year. The light at this time of year is amazing and much welcomed when on so many other days the clouds stay resolutely grey. At the moment the gardens seem to be a bit in between seasons. Most of the Autumn colour is gone yet a few of the late summer flowers still hang on tenaciously in amongst all the dead leaves. It makes for an interesting contrast when you walk past the borders.

Until my last visit six months ago [where has that time gone?!!] with other friends the few remaining rooms that survived the fire which decimated the rest of the house in the 1940s hadn't reopened. Having checked the website to see if there was anything extra to see over and above the usual I noted that we were unfortunately a few days too early to see the Christmas decorations up. Seeing as the house was open whilst we were there though we decided to poke our noses round the door anyway and what a surprise we were in was fully decorated and how beautiful it looked with the fading daylight and all the lights sparkling. I guess that the volunteer playing carols on the piano should have given it away!
Just a couple of shots...don't want to overegg the Christmas posts this month🎄🎅🤶


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