Friday, 17 December 2021

Christmas Post

 As you might have noticed, I like to kick back on a Friday with an easy "woolly" sort of post that I don't have to spend too much time pondering the content of. This week I can literally offer you a woolly post. More appropriately themed postbox toppers which are popping up all over the town [apart from a handful that have mysteriously disappeared😠]. Indeed there are so many that the regional BBC news programme did a feature about them this week.

Whilst I know they're not for everyone, I love spotting them and they have brought a lot of joy to many at what is already a difficult time of year for some without the extra stresses of the ongoing situation we all find ourselves in. This time we have one of the local WI's to thank who have pitched in and are using the crocheted decorations to highlight the invaluable work of a locally run charity who organise the homeless night shelter and the food bank. These are very popular this year, but I suspect that they are very "of the moment" and the phase will pass. Therefore, I shall be enjoying them whilst I can.

Have a great weekend one and allxx




  1. How festive. Our mail boxes are big square blue things- not a topper in sight.

    1. It's a new thing over here in the UK. Arilx

  2. They are unbelievably detailed really well done. We love the first one and the white reindeer. Not surprised they go missing.

    1. They are all very different. I rather like the one with the woolly fairy lights. ARilx

  3. It really pleases me to no end to know that there are people in this world who will do something like this for no other reason than to bring a smile to people's faces!

    1. People have been so generous with their time and people have loved finding them. Arilx



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