Wednesday, 22 December 2021

A December Meander

 I fancied a bit of time out a few days back and is my wont at such times, took my ownsome out for a wander. It's always a personal pleasure to ramble around with my little camera without much of a plan. I never know what I might turn up, but I'm always pretty confident that something will turn up. That's all part of the we go for the results of this latest wander round my home town.

This set of carved initials is on what was the former town hall, but is these days a popular restaurant. Whilst there's nothing unusual in what's there I'd never noticed that it was upside down before...recycling dressed stone from elsewhere one assumes.

Although these faux blue plaques are possibly veering towards a tad naff, this one is in the conservation area of the town. I'm rather pleased that the homeowners have just gone for it and put it up for those passing to enjoy. The house has an official blue plaque too which is dedicated to Neville Duke who was a test pilot and held the air speed record in 1953. 

Part of the annual advent calendar they have in this same area. I've featured it in previous years and am not fond of constantly repeating material here, so just the one image this time.

Now this thing I have rather rudely called the "Spring Onion" for years. It's perforated with 24000 holes and is supposed to have a bulb in the middle so that the light shines through the pin pricks when it's dark. Sadly I've never seen it working, but I do rather like its form. Only recently have I found out that its real name is the "Tree of Light" and it's the work of Steve Geliot.

As an enthusiastic church crawler nothing pleases me more than to find that I can legitimately go in somewhere that is usually shut. Trinity Church was where we had our marriage banns read many moons ago and I haven't been in it since. Can I say it's a rather austere Victorian red brick jobbie and I've seen many that I prefer more, but it did have some interesting details and I was most taken with the sorbet colours of the stained glass windows.

Let's finish with a personal favourite...the old VW Camper van complete with appropriately coloured flowers on the dashboard. There is just something about them that pleases me everytime I spot one....not that I have any aspirations to own one mind you. I'll leave camping and all that it entails to the hardier folks amongst you. I remain an ensuite bathroom kind of girl!!



  1. I love that festive Spring Onion!
    There's a blue plaque on the dentist's surgery on the corner that says "Nothing of note happened here, ever" makes me laugh every time. xxx


Imbolc Adventures

 In past years I've found Imbolc the hardest of the eight annual festivals to mark in a way that is personally meaningful to me. I'l...