Monday 29 August 2022

Working from home

 The August bank holiday weekend is one I enjoy, but perhaps not in the way most folk do. As lots of people head out of the door in search of entertainment I use it as the perfect time to pull up the drawbridge and spend some time here at GBT. We've been beavering away slinging meals in the haybox [now even more improved since we pressed TYM's old Deliveroo bag into service as the outer casing] and even me, the reluctant cook, has batch cooked so we only need to put the oven on once this week. Energy price rises are forcing my hand and adopt new habits....if it saves us money then I'm willing to do it. Am hanging around thrift forums like a bad smell and learning loads of tips even though I consider myself a fairly old hand at this gnat bottomed business...I now know that if I run out of custard powder I can make my own with cornflour, sugar and a dash of vanilla for one. The more I can do for myself the more empowered I feel...jars of raspberry jam and peanut butter have now been added to the pantry shelf and I've been altering a second hand skirt I bought last year.

Obviously this makes me sound extremely virtuous.....I promise you that I haven't been holed up here slaving away the entire time. I nipped over to see my friend WW for a cuppa and a high calorific snack. The world has once again been put to rights whilst we sat and pulled the hair off several dolls....yes you read that right. She's been making dead fairies for a while [you could never accuse me of having dull friends could you!], but she's now branched out into making creepy dolls too. She buys tatty old dolls for a song and then goes about remodelling them into something very different. With 30 to deal with it can be devilishly difficult to get their original hair off and take a lot of time. It was surprisingly cathartic! I'll spare you a photo of the dewigged ones sitting on her sofa😈

Another friend was singing in our local John Lewis on Saturday with her rock choir. Always liking the chance to see and experience something new we popped down to support her and have a listen. It's a treat to hear a live performance, but being me I had other plans to make the most of my time in hand I scooted off once they'd finished to do what I love goes! 

I am guessing that the glorious stairs in JL are pride related, but I really hope that they keep the colours there permanently🌈

After a few months off, the local WI behind these toppers have been busy again. This time they're promoting the Midnight Walk being held soon by our local hospice.

The late colours of summer are now really beginning to show in our local park. After a naughty councillor tried to pull some strings and get a hotel built there a few years ago a group of local volunteers and supporters was rapidly formed to stop such shenanigans from being attempted again. Its value as a green space within the centre of the town has now been recognised and the team of helpers do a tremendous job. The huge bench [seats 8] is a recent addition and is intended to encourage people to sit and chat and the hedgehog higthway is new too.

I've said it before and no doubt I will say it a hundred times more, but I really am blessed to live here.



  1. Really nice eclectic post - life as it happens while we are worrying about making stuff happen. What are those orange coloured fruits/flowers? Very attractive. We are glad you spared us the dolls, it's the kind of image you can't unsee again.

    1. I think they're some kind of rose hips, but don't quote me on it. They're in our local park. Arilx

  2. Pulling hair from doll's heads sounds wonderfully therapeutic! xxx

    1. Weirdly I did feel a bit guilty...even as a young child I didn't like dolls! Arilx

  3. yes you are!!! Those crocheters are wonderfully talented. All the little figures never fail to delight me. I also love the hedgehog thru-fare.

    1. The people who make the toppers are so kind to spend their time creating these for all to enjoy. They brighten up the area especially in the winter months. Arilx

  4. I love that park bench. What better way to spend an afternoon but nattering with friends in a beautiful park. ( Or while pulling hair off a doll head).

    1. I think the bench is a great idea. They run a weekly initiative where people meet and walk round the park to help their mental health. Arilx


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...