Friday, 8 January 2016

Do you need a DNA test to prove who the father is?

Famous words uttered by Jeremy Kyle as part of the trailer for his show. Now very familiar to me as I have a client who enjoys it so I hear snatches as I housesparkle around her. I'd be a lying toad if I didn't admit that I don't enjoy the odd bit now and again!

Anyway I digress.... earlier this week Mr GBT and I went to see the new Star Wars film "The Force Awakens". I enjoyed it....having ignored the hype it was pretty much what I expected. Similar to the ones that went before but a fun evening's entertainment of escapism. The one thing though that I realised and nobody else seems to have understood is that I am sure that Princess Leia is pulling a fast one and that Han Solo cannot be the father of Kylo Ren or Ben as he was before he went over to the dark side:

Shh...don't tell anyone but I have reason to believe that he was cuckolded by this man

No less than Severus Snape...surely that explains his complex relationship with darkness and light....or maybe I have turned into Luna Lovegood and everyone is being too polite and is not telling me.



  1. You are so right. Well spotted! x

  2. I seem to be the only one's looking increasingly like that I've morphed into Luna Lovegood based on the evidence!

  3. If ever I take a look at Kyle, my wife shouts "Turn that rubbish off". Reluctantly I do what I'm told.

  4. We went to see it last night and decided that Kylo Ren was the lovechild of Severus Snap and Keanu Reeves!Still we enjoyed it x

  5. Mr GBT always rolls his eyes if he catches me watching it. I am unrepentant. Glad you enjoyed the film HS



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