Sunday, 12 June 2016

What Pleases The Eye.

I have an exacting criterion for choosing what I will goes something like this......something catches my eye and then I press and point without the slightest bit of forethought or planning. Unsophisticated and spontaneous that's me and a constant source of amusement for Arty L. In effect it means you get pictures that are not high end [Mr GBT provides the quality shots] but are simply a reflection of what I like!

The area around Hampton Court is unhurried and you feel you can breathe. No chain stores...just a glorious range of individual shops run by down to earth people. We had time to browse and time to swap stories with those we met. Time spent chatting to the owners of Beano's pet shop revealed that the two beagles we saw were Irish rescue dogs from the dreadful puppy farms. One bounded over for cuddles whilst the other older one slept in peace on her bed in the sunshine. She still doesn't fully trust people...hardly surprising when you'd never been outside, seen natural light or been shown any affection until two years ago.

Detailing around shop doors. The tiles in the second image are the original Victorian ones.

A supremely bonkers flea market/antiques place...not even open but items stockpiles haphazardly up on the roof, in the yard and inside.

A 3D picture...with a love of miniatures the cleverness of this type of artwork was always going to appeal....not that I would want it but I simply appreciate the work that's gone into its creation.

A minuscule brass cat door knocker. It transpired that the owner was within earshot and heard me admiring it. She was very happy for me to take a picture and assured me that I was the first person who had noticed it. I am partial to door knockers and partial to cats so a combination of the two was always going to reel me in.

Finally and large I am not a fan of the garden gnome yet the funny ones cause me much mirth. If you don't have a suitable outdoor space to display them then a high up window sill is as good as any...I guess this could be called gnomemansland!



  1. Excellent range of eye-catchers! Like the 'gnomemansland' caption :D

  2. I am so pleased you enjoyed them!



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