Sunday, 11 December 2016

D.I.Y Nativity

As an alternative to a shop bought Nativity with a carefully constructed setting and coordinating figures, I was rather taken with this home made affair which I saw in a Sussex church at the beginning of the year. I rather like the fact the maker has gone off piste with the inclusion of all different types of ornaments to set the scene. I had some of those whimsies made by Wade as a child and although, I don't recall there being any mention of an owl being present, but the Bible doesn't say there wasn't one either!

I had a smashing day with Lovely Grey yesterday, but I need to sort out photos and thoughts before I blog and frankly, I can't remember where I put the jar with my brain in so no chance of that happening today!



  1. Thought you might beat me in posting but maybe not. Thanks for a fantastic day. Now Somerset bound. xxx

  2. My brother built his wife, my mom, his daughters, and now is making one (at some point for my daughter, his youngest God child, that truly look like a stable form 2000 plus years ago, using scrap wood pieces. I like the one above so much-owl included.



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