Tuesday 27 December 2016

Keeping The Old Traditions Alive.

Hello! Hope you all had a splendiferous Chrimble. Much feasting and drinking here in the halls of GBT [well a bit anyway!] so it was good to get out and stretch the old limbs with a spot of that ye oldeMorris Dancing yesterday at a local hostelry. The new mask had its first outing and I danced out a new-to-me dance called Labyrinth. It has a lot of spinning on the spot and changing direction...my aching rib cage is telling me so in no uncertain terms today! I've put up a little film of how it should be done [unfortunately yesterday I was the one who went wrong so it didn't quite look like this!]



  1. All looking very energetic...didn't notice anybody going wrong! x

  2. Look your mask. Great to see you dance.xxx

    1. Thanks- sadly it's not me dancing in the video. That's how it should be done....I nearly did it right. Better luck next time and all that!


Sun, Moon and Stars

I've been having fun with my fabric paints creating these small pictures of a medieval style sun and moon. They look a bit rougher round...