Monday, 3 July 2017

Mixed Morris and Bawdy Border

I have just enjoyed one of the most amazing weekends ever at Mythago's birthday bash...still on a high today even if I am creeping around a bit like Mrs Overall!

From Friday afternoon through to 4pm yesterday invited Morris sides have travelled up from Devon, crossed the sea from the Isle of Wight, Kent, East Sussex and Surrey aswell as local sides to help us celebrate. Many stayed over the whole weekend, some joined us for a day on the Saturday at Amberley Chalks Pits Museum whilst others for our stands in Horsham. All traditions and ages from very young to erm slightly more senior joined in. People mixed'd look up and a stray member from another side would know a dance and help others out. New friendships have been made and dances taught so that spontaneous mass dances were possible.

This is one I joined in from Blood Stone Morris....I nearly spat my teeth out when I joined in the words....I kind of guessed what kind of direction the song words might be going in when the first line had the word Billy in it. I've put up an older clip of it being performed if you want to hear the full fruity version.

By the time everyone had left I think it would be true to say we were all drained...the survivors just about still standing! A rare photo of Mythago unmasked!

However, in true Morris style a hardened bunch of us felt the day's proceedings should be rounded off with one last celebratory pint before heading home. I was in bed by 9pm! I don't normally put up footage of myself dancing, but on this occasion this is me performing as the was near the end of yesterday and I felt like I was wearing concrete filled boots by then. Usually I manage a rather more livelier version, but you can see we were all flagging and having to dig deep by then!



  1. My you must have burned a goodly amount of calories! x

    1. This should have been the case had I not survived on a diet of mainly cider and cake during the weekend....normal eating and ignoring the scales would seem to be the best way forwards.

  2. Fabulous, I do so love Morris dancing, it reminds me of Thomas Hardy, medieval gargoyles on churches and surprisingly sword dancing when I was a child. May it long continue ;)

    1. Glad you enjoyed it...they have added some more risque actions since the original film was put up on Youtube!



 These two pals were hanging out together in a field that we passed on our recent Cuckfield walk. I don't know what it is about donkeys,...