Monday, 31 July 2017

The Wanderer Returns!

After three months of voluntary work in Bangladesh The Young Man [or TYM as he will be known as henceforth] is flying home this evening . I know he's had an incredible time and leaves with a somewhat heavy heart, but his Mother is greatly looking forward to his return and hearing about his experience!

We will all most probably need a period of adjustment and that will include evicting the furry one who has taken up squatting rights in his bedroom in his absence. It looks like we might have competition for the Pringles from the same quarter too😸



  1. How exciting...except for the poor cat...who's probably been missing him so much that's why he's been guarding his room to alert everyone if he returns. x

  2. No doubt he may find a furry body laying right next to him each morning. I don't know any cats with a fondness for Pringles.

  3. Nice one, you'll notice how much he will have'grown' and equally how much he is still your little boy'. When my eldest went to uni, we noticed the mix of maturity and lingering child-ness when he came home at the end of term. However a cat will always have seniority and pringles!

  4. Having him safe at home will be brilliant, my son also liked Pringles. He also did a year abroad only in Ghana. It was three years later, that his friend let slip that Mark had a massive hyper attack at the airport (Mark is a type 1 diabetic). I can always remember standing at the chemists clutching his late arriving medicines as they came rushing along in the car to get to the airport on time. Joys of motherhood ;)

  5. That's flown by (although I'm sure it hasn't for you).
    Look at Humphrey, anxiously awaiting the Pringles. xxxx

  6. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. TYM is back safe and sound. He ate all the Pringles at 5am this morning....feline and I didn't get a look in!




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