Monday, 10 July 2017


There is currently a programme on the I-Player called "A Brief History of Graffiti" which I sat down to watch yesterday while it was so warm [my halo was shining brightly because I had just finished stripping the wallpaper in the bedroom!]. From this I learnt that the word "graffiti" come from the Italian "graffiato" meaning scratched. At one point an example where the picture has been partly incised to create the effect was shown. Afterwards I realised that I had seen something rather similar in Exeter on a recent visit. The detail has been chiselled out by the artist Alexandro Farto and is very effective in my humble opinion.



  1. V. cool. I love that technique 'sgraffito' where you paint over colour with black and then scratch the surface. Used it in pottery and pictures before. xx

  2. Thought I recognised that image...yes it's really a piece of art. x



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...