Tuesday, 5 September 2017

The Green Knight

Dappled sunlight filtering through the woodland canopy above transports you back to a time and place of ancient mystery and  magic....The Green Knight is waiting silently for the return of King Arthur....

Well actually that's a load of old codswallop isn't it....just me spinning a web of words! However, The Green Knight is not a figment of my imagination. Now I've come across a few eerie ruins in the woods in my time....decaying chapels, remaining walls of old cottages, but without a doubt this was a first. He, along with broken ecclesiastical stones, lies scattered around one of the woods in the Woods Mill nature reserve.

I'd gone for a jolly with chum E on Saturday and together we came up with all sorts of fanciful theories as to how they got there. As far as I can tell they were brought in by the then owner Arthur Peake. His intention had been to build an Italianate garden, but his plans never came to fruition. There is no doubt that the stones are genuinely old, but he took the secret of where they came from to his grave. He was executed in 1936 for supposedly murdering his chauffeur, Arthur Noyce. All rather surreal and definitely not what was on the agenda before my visit!



  1. Even 'modern history' has quirks and secrets. Interesting stones.

  2. This might be of interest!


    1. I didn't know the back story so thanks for the link. How tragic.

  3. Interesting, and I checked the link.

  4. Thank you Aril, we were at Woods Mill today wondering about the rambling ruins.



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...