Friday 20 July 2018


After a year's hiatus I've been able to juggle my work commitments and reinstate my alternate Tuesday off. I hadn't realised just how much I'd missed it and this time I've promised myself that I will keep it clear. That dratted Protestant Work Ethic of mine! This one provided the ideal opportunity to travel up to Kingston and catch up with Arty L.

No photos this time as the day was about coffee and nattering as we took the boat up the river to Hampton Court. That said I couldn't resist this lop-eared bunny which was painted on the side of the cafe near the jetty. 

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!



  1. Oh I love the Cafe No.5 On The Bridge at Hampton Court. We always go there when we go and stay with our son and daughter-in-law who live twenty minute walk away. Next time we go we will have to look out for the bunny.

    Julie xxxxx

    1. The cafe is in Kingston near the jetty for the river boatx
      Hampton Court is a lovely place.

    2. Oh OK, thank you. But if you get to Hampton Court, I do recommend the cafe I mentioned

    3. Thanks for the recommendation. My friend lives in Surbiton so will definitely be up that way again. Really enjoyed poking around Hampton Court. It has a real villagey feel to it. Arilx

    4. The cafe has paintings of bees on the other side.

  2. I really want to go to Hampton Court- never been there to visit though I did do a Gamelan gig at the next station to it. The bunnt is cute!


Hubble Bubble

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