Wednesday, 29 January 2020

A change of plan.

Yesterday I completely changed my mind about what I was going to do on my day off and decided to go down to visit Nurse L.  She's been having a bit a time of it lately and I thought perhaps a trip out to a place of her choosing might at least give her a break from everything that's been going on.

With the promise of beautiful weather Nurse L opted for a bracing walk along the beach at Climping. Left to my own devices I would naturally always head inland as I'm a bit of a landlubber at heart, but there's something absolutely magical about having the beach to ourselves all bar the local dogwalkers. We stopped and chatted to various canines and their owners, but my favourite by a country mile was a huge 22 month old Irish wolfhound called Conor. The lady said that it's her 9th one and his name means "lover of hounds". He was absolutely gorgeous, but thought he was Pekingese size which is a bit of problem when he comes bounding over to make friends. Apparently he's currently going through the terrible twos.

I just snapped a few shots as we wandered along. The little beach hut library was just behind the sea wall in a Golden Jubilee garden in Elmer. We happened across it when we were nosing about for a sheltered spot to have our coffee.

It was good to blow away the cobwebs and leave any troubles behind for a while.



  1. Lovely photos of your visit and a good opportunity for you to top up your Vit.D in the sunshine. Note to self, must start walking more.

    1. It was the perfect day for it and I always notice much more when I'm on foot. It's my perfect kind of day. Arilx

  2. There is something special about a virtually empty beach, she says having not visited the beach for weeks, maybe I'll take a walk down there on my way to work tomorrow.

    The little library is adorable!

    1. I'm with you on that. I like the beach when it's's not my idea of fun playing sardines with all the other visitors. Arilx

  3. The Art Deco land-yacht seems untouched by the 21st Century: timeless design overlooking a literally timeless seascape. Hope Nurse L benefited from this excursion!

    1. I loved this Art Deco house [I cropped it to remove the personal details, but you're right it does look like a yacht] I spoke to Nurse L yesterday and she felt much better thanks. Arilx


Saunter on a Saturday

 Our world has dramatically shrunk to twice weekly visits to the hospital. We had what felt like a major setback this week, but we did know ...