Tuesday, 28 January 2020


Tillington is a small village off the A272 which is a route I take regularly. Every time I see the Scots Crown spire [it's the most southerly example apparently] of the parish church as I whizz past I think to myself that one day I will make a detour and look to see what's there.

Friend E and I have now rectified the situation and added to our Sussex explorations a few days ago. I'm so glad we did as it was well worth the pitstop. It's full of charming buildings and little quirky bits and bobs.

An excellent upcycle of a wheelbarrow and Singer Sewing machine treadle table all nicely rounded off with deer skull 

Now I've heard of zebra, pelican and puffin crossings, but one for cats is a new one on me. Let's hope the drivers heed the warning and that the moggies get across the road safely.

This poor chap to one side of the church door has lost his snout. This could be down to wear and tear, but I have heard tales of noses being eroded over time as people rubbed them for good luck before getting hitched.

There is a rather wonderful selection of old tombstones now propped up all around the perimeter of the churchyard and a wavy bench which records the walks Jack and Dorothy Holloway undertook to raised money for the Poppy Appeal. It's rather touching that their efforts have been permanently marked in such a way.

Now the photos belie the weather....clear and bright 'twas indeed, but flipping freezing too I might add with the only street acting as a very effective and rather nippy wind tunnel. To defrost ourselves it seemed only apt to pay a visit to the local hostelry. Sadly only a cuppa was imbibed this time, but I enjoyed rounding it all off with my first ever taxidermy boar's head and a man cave. Mr GBT needn't be getting any ideas above his station when it comes to the latter!!

Hope you enjoyed our quick twirl...I'll add a bit more meat to the bones of our little adventure tomorrow.


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