Friday 14 February 2020

Valentines Day 2020

I found this rather appropriately themed window for today in a local church earlier in the week. Hope you enjoy your day whether you celebrate romantically or ignore it like us. I must remember to dig out that 50p chocolate orange I bought Mr GBT in the Christmas sales which is lurking somewhere in a cupboard....I know how to spoil him!



  1. I’m not one for Valentines Day really. In fact I have forgotten to buy my husband a card!

    1. There are lots of ways to demonstrate our feelings towards our loved ones 365 days a year. Arilx

  2. We forgot to buy each other a card but we did go out for a Thai meal!


A grave day

 Tragically Charles Cook died on 20th March 1767 aged only 30. He was killed by a falling tree. Whilst I can't find anything about the m...