Saturday, 29 February 2020

Fired up

Apparently at some stage in the last 24 hours [without consulting me I hasten to add] my brain has decided that if we're going to enjoy a special 29th February I'm going to be writing an extra post. As ever it's just a dash of colour to enliven a soggy, grey day.

More hearts from the craft stash [I knew all those little bits and bobs would come into their own one day!] The elephant came from the front of a card and it's mounted on recycled sari silk.

Phew finally after many hours of cutting, pinning and then unpinning because I'm not happy with the layout of the colours or I've pinned them through too many layers and then hand sewing the front for the fire element is finished.  I always forget how time consuming this is, but I'm now happy with the effect I've achieved. It's been built up on the back of a man's shirt [charity shop] which I've cut to our standard pattern so it will [she says keeping everything crossed here] fit on the front of everybody's black tatter jackets. They are attached by velcro to allow us to add and remove them quickly for kit changes as the story dances require. Still have one more thing that needs to be done to the mask itself which I will need to do alongside my fellow makers and then I can show you the whole shebang!


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 These two pals were hanging out together in a field that we passed on our recent Cuckfield walk. I don't know what it is about donkeys,...