Friday, 28 August 2020



Lots of my friends [both Morris dancing and otherwise] have now bought camper vans and are pinging up all over the country. I am well known for my aversion to anything canvas/camping related [or any non flushing type of loo too for that matter] and have been on the receiving end of much teasing about this over the years. I enjoyed many camping holidays as a child, but it doesn't float my boat these days as they say!

We had a holiday booked for June this year, but it's been pushed forwards to next summer. I've been pondering how we might be able to give ourselves a break without travelling too far away. If we took a week off and had a staycation I think we'd probably end up trying to catch up with jobs at home, so I dismissed that option. However, I floated the idea with Mr GBT of taking a week's worth of days off spread throughout September to give us time to come up with some ideas depending on weather etc. He's given it the thumbs up so let the planning begin! We joined English Heritage last weekend [with a 15% discount....gnat bottomed to the last!] which will give us lots of new places to explore or even revisit without a small, bouncy person in tow as on previous occasions many years ago.

Have a good weekend folks. Having said I wouldn't have a camper van I could be tempted by this little sculpture of one that was at the Farnham Sculpture Park a few weeks ago!!



  1. I'm with you on the camping situation! I used to go on camping holidays when I was young and loved it. Tbh looking at the price of camper vans I could have many holidays in some very nice places and still not spend as much as the initial outlay - plus I wouldn't have to do my own washing up.

  2. How about a camping pod with all the mod cons? My lad and his girlfriend are about to go and their site (up in lancashire) has a proper bathroom with each pod. Fingers crossed for good weather :D

    1. Hope they have a fabulous time. Still not temptedx

  3. Totally sympathize with your antipathy to any loo which does not flush! My idea of roughing it is a weekend enjoyed at an historic hotel whose plumbing predates WWI and whose Sunday breakfast buffet features a waffle iron that's even older. * Do like the little camper. British version of an Airstream?

    1. I prefer not to have to share bathrooms etc. Am not sure about the camper,but it certainly does have the look of an Airstream about it. ARilx

  4. Wanted to alert you to A Re-visit to a Haunted Historic Church on YouTube channel: Chris Halton Haunted Earth tv It's exactly the sort of destination I can picture you and Mr. GBT exploring!

  5. I think I've gotten soft as I used to love camping. Now I want a warm clean bed and an ensuite bathroom. Preferably with a jacuzzi



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...