Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Third Time Lucky

I have been attempting to visit the Prairie Gardens in West Sussex for a couple of years, but every time I made plans they didn't come to fruition. However, I like a challenge and a mere obstacle or three wasn't going to stop me trying. This year it was going to happen come hell or high water! Finally made it with Nurse still was a case of third time lucky though as rain and then work shifts stopped play. Hopefully from the photos below you can see it was well worth the wait....huge borders filled with big, blousy blooms in hot colours interspersed with quirky wooden wonders and all on a perfect, warm summer's day.  No need to prebook, but all very well set out with regards to the current situation in which we find ourselves.



  1. I'm less a prarie kind of person and more a woods and moutinas, but those sure are lovely flowers! I like ht ewood features within the garden.

  2. Gorgeous photos! I'm glad you finally got to Prairie Gardens. xxx


A family day out

 We see TYM on a fairly regular basis these days, but it tends to be of the sharing a meal and then us all doing our own thing at the weeken...