Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Things that come in threes.

This week, three times, three types of Balsam... the plant is known as in invasive weed, but I suspect it's here to stay now.  Despite it being much maligned, the Himalayan one is a late source of nectar and our native bees love it. I've seen the Himalayan one and the Orange one before, but the third photo is a Small Balsam and is a new one for me. It's been noted down with the date and place as have all other new-to-us finds in our now very scruffy 30 year old wild flower identification book. It's the sole entry for 2020, but better one than none eh!!

I think they're stunning and it's given me some much needed practice in mastering the macro facility on my little press and point camera.



  1. Well job with your camera. I should have added go out and take pictures with my camera on my list of still summer activities.

    1. Using the macro is quite new to would help if I read the instructions but have never got round to it! Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...