Monday, 30 November 2020

The writing's on the wall.

I'm that woman who always has to check out any graffiti she spots on walls, tunnels, bridges....anywhere basically where it shouldn't be. Some of it is dross, some is very artistic. That which interests me I photograph and the shot below was an example from a tunnel above Shere in Surrey from a walk last month. I liked the fellow with the horns.

This one though that I found daubed under one of the railway bridges in the Sussex village of Rudgwick left my friend H and I scratching our heads. Neither of us could come up with a plausible theory for the thinking behind it!!

Most perplexing😀 That though is the joy of walking. Coming across the inexplicable and unexpected.



  1. Some years ago, we were holidaying in Northumberland and decided that Berwick up Tweed must rate fairly high up in the 'intelligent' graffiti levels. There were several running 'series' of Banksy-esque spray paint types (lizards, penguins and mice) all along the underpasses and bridges, there were definitely differing styles so it was possible to almost identify a groups of art and attribute it to a single person. The most 'primitive' style that I liked was a simple spray can squiggle to represent smiling sun face. It seemed to be in the darkest of corners - bringing a bit of light and a smile

    1. I rather like it so long as it's not blighting something beautiful. Arilx

  2. I think there must be a campaign going as I've seen the slogan 'read books' on other blogs.
    I like graffiti but lots of people don't. Brighton is full of it, some wonderful and some not so good.

    1. Brighton has got some fantastic street day I will follow one of the walks that shows some of the best bits! Arilx

  3. The graffiti I see is usually just a mess and vulgar.

    1. It can be awful....I am selective in my choicesx Arilx

  4. James Corden did a carpool karaoke with Paul Cartney singing Penny Lane. The video showed them going up to the heavily grafitti-ed street sign for Penny Lane (I'm assuming London, but I cannot say for sure.) Paul McCartney took a marker and signed his name right there in amongst all the other graffiti. I wonder if it will ever be noticed? And if it is noticed, will it be believed?



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...