Sunday, 15 December 2013

Westward Ho Ho Ho!

The white stag has taken himself on another little outing...this time I find that he's been skipping around in Wiltshire within a couple of standing stones that might be familiar to one or two of us....

Having spent the last few years zipped up in a bag he really does seem to be kicking his heels at this new found freedom and is turning into quite the poseur....

As ever he was not alone- he brought along another antlered chum and King Richard II no less- no highfalutin' ideas here then......

And here he is with his team of dedicated supporters.......

Seriously though this was the most fantastic day of dancing and an incredible experience. I have not been inside Stonehenge since I was a child when they were open access- in those days I simply used to run in and out of the stones playing hide and seek with my sister. The space is far more intimate that I had remembered- it seemed massive when I was young. Thank you so much to Veronica and The Cotswold Order of Druids for inviting us along to perform at their Winter Solstice ritual. It was a privilege and thanks to Mythago for letting me be part of that!

The fab piccies are courtesy of my dear chum Sam who very kindly has let me use them here.


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