Friday 7 February 2014

A Monthly Review.

At the beginning of January I set myself some modest targets rather than resolutions and I am pleased to say that I have made some progress huzzah!

The first new veggie meal has been devoured- my carnivorous chaps seem to suffer a strange adversity to chickpeas but my falafel disappeared in a flash. Lots of seasoning seems to be the trick to get those under the radar successfully. This time I fried them next time [there will be a next time] I am going to brush them with oil and bake them. I have put out a polite request on freecycle for Ronald Hutton books so shall have to see on that one.

Finally the seasonal shelf...well ......ta dah!

A sort of Imbolc/early spring display. The wren ornament is the first present Mr GBT ever bought me and I still love it to this day 24 years on. The handmade wreath in the background was bought at the weekend at the fabulous Anderida Druid Conference where I was dancing. I also brought this beautiful little hand painted wren pendant home with me which doesn't show up properly so Mr GBT has very kindly taken a close up shot for me to share.

So headway is being made. I am making my first ever jam suet pud in the slow cooker this weekend which will count as the first new dessert of 2014.



  1. I LOVE your beautiful seasonal shelf, your wren is beautiful :o)
    Rose H


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