Wednesday 26 February 2014

And the sun shone....Part Three

Last part promise!

Midhurst is a delightful Sussex market town famous for its polo. It's full to bursting with attractive buildings and cheery street names like Duck Lane and Knockhundred Row. Despite the promise of Wool Lane and Sheep Lane disappointingly there was a distinct lack of an ovine presence!

The local library housed in a rather splendid building. I do so hope that one day I might be able to attempt those steep steps with an armful of Mills and Boons whilst slightly squiffy, having had a Martini or two too many. I can hear the bleeding Health and Safety Elf having fifty fits from here!

St Magdalene and St Deny's church [it's not known why it is dedicated to two saints as opposed to the usual one] sports this rather natty checkerboard pattern across its front.

If the lighting is right this cheeky little face shows up on one of the corbels tucked away in a corner inside- apart from another one with a carved date all the others are plain.

And finally these two teensy lancet windows caught my eye.

Every evening at 8pm the Curfew Bell is rung. Tradition has it that centuries ago a London rider was benighted on North Heath and couldn't find a road through the forest. The bell guided him safely through and by way of thanks he gave the church a piece of land on the provisio that the bell be rung daily at 8pm.

Thanks for joining me on my latest sortie!


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