Tuesday, 25 February 2014

And the sun shone...Part Two

We decided, as it was such a stunner of a day and all the more welcome after the heavy downpours of these past few weeks, we would walk from Easebourne to Midhurst [not as grand as it sounds...it really is no distance even for our little hobbit length legs!]

Without the distraction of the leaves and with a blue sky backlighting it I was rather taken with the view of the mistletoe.

This route takes you past the beautiful ruins of Cowdray Park. This was a significant early Tudor house visited by both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. It was damaged by a fire in 1793. During the summer months it is open to the public but even at this time of year it's possible to get a real feel for the place

A surviving detail of the interior.

It is a path both popular with families and dog walkers as this fellow ably demonstrates! Full of the joys of Spring I would say!

Last part to follow....


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It's always a good day in my world when I have an unexpected free day. These gaps in my work are precious to me, so I want to try and do...