Saturday 10 October 2015

I Spy....

With my little eye curiosities in Arundel. Chum E informs me that one of the reasons that she enjoys a jolly with me [apart from the copious quantities of tea we drink and the non stop chatter we manage] is that I will either spot something unusual or know something weird. I'll take that as a compliment- anything important falls of out my head within a split second but any useless bit of information is hardwired in for eternity. So not to disappoint here's more of my most recent Spotteds!

Doors- yes I find doors endlessly fascinating. Ones with windows, a gorgeous painted door [bugger about the shadows but mustn't grumble], the promise of Horror and knockers [oo er missus] what the hell is that one all about. A yeti and a hand...hmm an interesting conceptual design!!

A goodly spot of Gothic planting. Black blooms just do it for me- such a refreshing change from the norm.

One rather grumpy dragon- bears more than a passing resemblance to me first thing in the morning before I've got any caffeine in my system or when I'm hollering at the teenager.

Non twee house names- I so wanted to knock on the homeowners door and ask why they chose these particular ones.

And to finish my first ever wooden castle. Just because!

I'll put the "prettier" ones up separately.

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