Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Window Dresses

We are about to undertake a couple of redecorating projects here at GBT which has meant in effect that I've spent the last few weeks seeing what's on the market. Having learnt the hard way when the chosen paint at our old flat turned out to be a dead ringer for a tub of mint choc chip icecream [not the intended effect and nothing like the colour chart], nowadays I carefully check using tester pots and send for a small selection of wallpaper samples before I part with my groats. Thankfully it's been a fairly painless process as I know instantly when I've found the right thing. Had this not been the case it would seem that wallpaper is perfect for possibly the most impractical dresses in the world....I thoroughly enjoyed the original artistry of the window dresser though when I saw these in Belfast and can honestly say I've never seen the like before.


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