Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Bee-ing Friendly

At long last we've been able to start making our garden more wild life friendly. Having done a spot of research I narrowed down a few good bee friendly plants for our small patch, so very early yesterday morning we hotfooted it into a couple of local garden centres. Apart from one ahem spontaneous purchase I did manage to stay on track, but the credit card is now weeping....😊

So despite the fact that I am not a keen gardener I've been a busy bee today weeding and have fallen in love with my hoe....a much better experience rather than trying to pull the wretched things out by hand which have probably regrown in the time that I've turned my back and cleared the next area. At one point I got the fright of my life when something jumped out in front of me....when I further investigated I discovered a rather disgruntled frog hunkered down....needless to say I left it in peace. Mr GBT kindly dug appropriate holes and these beauties below are now in the borders.

It's good to have got the project underway. Next on the list is to put up the bug hotel which is currently in our garage. Hopefully we will have a gorgeous nature filled plot over the coming months.



  1. Hi Aril,your plants look lovely.I bought a mixed pack of flowers from the pound shop.They have poppys and sunflowers and some others that I cant remember the names!,I planted them,not really expecting much to happen and now after a couple of weeks they are really coming through!,Great bargain for a pound for all of them!xx

    1. What a good deal you found Debi. We've decided to invest in perennials mainly now. I did find out a house which sells unusual plants far more cheaply last night so might go and have a nose soon. Arilx

  2. Well done on doing something for the bees! Nice plants!!!


Little Things

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