Wednesday, 2 May 2018

The Secret Gardens

Engineering works on the line scuppered Saturday's plans an hour before I was due to meet Arty L, so as near to spontaneous as I ever get, I proposed to Mr GBT that we head off over to the small Sussex village of Bramber to meet the lovelies I've been getting to know virtually over the past few weeks in a new FB group I've joined. I wasn't disappointed....a cracking group of peeps and am already looking forwards to seeing them again.

I have Briony over at Crafty Cats Corner to thank for blogging about this highly original and quirky garden. Loved it and took countless photos through the railings...I'm working on the premise that if you choose to not have a fence then you're not worried about people admiring your handiwork and sharing images of it. Here goes....

As it transpires Bramber does rather a good line in secret gardens glimpsed from the outside in...this one is a rather more sensible and sophisticated affair....the contrast between the two is very much to my liking.

There was nothing concealed about the zaniness of this one...proudly planted up with all its bonkers accoutrements in the front for the world and his wife to stop and admire or cringe depending on your taste. It's not what I'd choose, but hand on heart it's the first orangutan I've ever seen used as a garden feature. Nowt wrong with a bit of fun is there now!

Some of these images were shared within the group and the feedback was that I'd taken an interesting and unusual selection...story of my life!



  1. You remind me it's Time for my trek to a secret garden near me. Nothing quite as interesting though.

    1. Perhaps you could share some photos over on your blog if you do go Sam please?

  2. Brilliant gardens Aril - I love how people use ornaments outside - what a lovely day out.

    1. They were a bit different to the norm.

  3. What fantastic images! I'd love my garden to look like that! xxx

    1. Me too and I'd like to have a gardener too!

  4. Oh what a delightful garden!!!! I have seen orangutans and gorillas in our local garden centre- they are HIDEOUS but I do live in Essex and people have very strange ostentatious and garish tastes!



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