Monday, 22 April 2019

Making the bed

Hello....hope everybody is having a splendiferous weekend and enjoying the sunshine. Unusually for us we have been mainly based at GBT just pottering and I have to say I have loved every minute of it. Poor chum who I'd planned to see on Saturday had to cancel due to an emergency op on her dog, so I used the time to get on with this instead.

Finally after much procrastination I have made a mattress and underblanket for my  dollshouse bed using stuff I already had here. Another little one to add to my make, bake and create challenge.

At long last I've been able to make the bed with the gorgeous linen I bought about five years ago!

There's been more of the doing type variety of stuff here with Mr GBT having busily planted veg and some more bee friendly plants we've purchased. However, I am pleased to report there has also been time to sit and enjoy the weather whilst quaffing champagne...... Dom Perignon it was not... homemade elderflower instead. A lucky discovery recently of three bottles hidden under a pile of empty compost bags in the garage after a tidy up on my part. They must be at least three years old so we were fully prepared for a vinegary taste, but it was lovely. Phew!



  1. That sounds like a perfect weekend x

  2. Oh my word, that mini bed linen is gorgeous! xxx

    1. It's even prettier when you see it for realx


A Quite Interesting Monday

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