Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Round the block

A quick walk round the block in the late afternoon sunshine and new things to discover on my local patch.....the flowers are Anemone Blanda and the ducks are the tufted ones. I just put it out there on our local FB group and others kindly filled in the gaps for me!

A most excellent way to spend an unplanned fifteen minutes of my day.



  1. I am still mildly amazed that I still 'find' things new to me during a village walk. Yesterday was a classic example.. I walk through an area known locally as goose green and go past a number of hen pens. I spied two little signs... beware of the wife and beware of the hens... never even noticed them before....

  2. It confuses the hell out of me every time this happens....I am left wondering how I could have missed things when they are clearly in plain view!


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...