Thursday, 25 April 2019

When you drop the recycling off.....

A couple of bags of recycling to be dropped off and on the spur of the moment decision to extend our errand into a longer walk to see what we could see. Camera popped in just in case.....

The cherry tree drooping with the weight of all its pink blossom.

Those wonderful blue enamelled Victorian road signs. I photograph these things because it's so easy to take their presence for granted and they could be removed at any time.

Somebody doing Easter decorations their own way.

Into the town centre and because it's Easter Monday everybody's enjoying the annual parade of sports cars. They don't do it for me by and large [more of a vintage car kind of gal really], but I enjoy watching other people's obvious pleasure and details of the bodywork and colours.

This vehicle simply intrigued me. It was the only one of its type there.

However, as I turn the corner I stumble across this. I might just have to eat my words about not being keen on cars. This one really was just so very different to anything I've encountered before. I gather it's some type of prototype racing car.

Now we're on the way home and there's one final treat in store. I had no idea what this tree was, but thankfully my Dad is a tree whizz and he tells me it's a Wych Elm.

Taking the camera turned out to be one of my better decisions after all!



  1. Old sports car seemed such a luxury now, always wanted an E-type jag, but could never afford one and of course I then grew up...

  2. Those unexpected walks turn out be a real treat. I love your Victoria signs.
    We have a Wych Elm in our garden - it is such a beautiful tree.


Little Things

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