Tuesday, 9 June 2020

The Thrifty Times Issue Ten

Now I am back at work and starting to see friends again there are new routines to get used to. I don't have as much time as I did during lockdown to get as many things done at home, but I have picked up the baton once again. 

A little bit of online shopping has meant that I have finally got around to buying an eco razor and a pack of very reasonably priced blades which will keep me going for years. The intention to get one has been there for ages, but it was the doing part that eluded me. Although it's a bigger outlay to start with I am confident that I will definitely end up by saving much more in the long run. We also had to get a new curtain pole because our ancient plastic one finally gave up the ghost. Mr GBT has put that up already.

After much thought I decided to reopen the book/dvd exchange group that I'd set up a couple of years ago. It's been quietly ticking over, but I stopped it when we were in lockdown. On the basis that everyone must follow the rules regarding the pandemic etc etc I have started to approve posts again. There have been lots of new members and several things finding new homes. I am now the proud owner of "The Vikings" DVD. I wait 72 hours before handling anything that comes in.

Mr GBT is still busy in the garden. Even I picked up a spade on Sunday and dug a hole....a friend had removed a load of non toxic orange day lilies from her garden and I thought they'd fill the space cleared by some of the raspberry canes we gave to next door a few weeks ago. Now to see if they survive!

As ever there's been lots of baking and I'm still cooking more that I ever planned to. We fancied crumble, but there were no cooking apples available...one freezer rummage later and a triumphant Aril appears brandishing a bag of frozen berries....crumble disaster averted! A little bit of making has also started up again. I mentioned a few weeks back that I had noticed a rather lovely wooden folkart cat outside somebody's house and that I fancied having something similar myself. I have done the design now and just need to work out how to do the legs!



  1. I can't wait to see your folkart cat, love your sketch.
    Your DVD exchange sounds brilliant, people keep telling me how good Vikings is. Hooray for hidden stashes in the freezer! xxx

    1. I hope to have the cat finished this weekend.

  2. I'm sure you will enjoy 'The Vikings' we are always eager for the next series, likewise 'The Last Kingdom'.
    Be careful with those lilies and cats, my next door neighbour has just lost her British Blue cat, she didn't know about the lilies being poisonous.

    1. My friend who gave them to me has a wildlife friendly garden and she assured me that they are the non toxic variety....she is an organic gardener, but thanks for the warning anyway..it's always good to know. Arilx

  3. A crumble disaster would indeed be a sad thing.

    1. ....I can always cobble together some sort of dessert. It's an underrated life skill!


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...