Monday, 26 October 2020

A load of old balls.....

This year has been the one for exploring what's under our turns out I don't know my home patch half as well as I thought I did. Local friends took us out on a walk through the copse on the outskirts of the village where they live. The weather wasn't grand, but I don't mind some showers especially if there's woodland cover for most of it. Although I haven't stumbled across some of the more exotic fungi I've seen others sharing online we did find a few less showy examples. The first one was the size of a penny and oh so delicate.

Even in the dull light with the rain gently falling the woods still looked magical. Those moss covered stumps are like something out of Middle Earth! England does a mighty fine shade of yellow when it comes to its autumn foliage.

As ever this area does timber framed buildings with style and there are barns and farms aplenty. Many are the more traditional black and white, but we are on clay here so bricks feature heavily too. The main farmhouse was well back and hidden so I had to make do with this smaller affair next door. The pots on the drive are a mix of old chimneys and pipes I believe.

With these to end I was delighted to come across the bright pink berries of the Prickwood tree [aka Spindle]. Such a welcome change from the more traditional fire colours of the autumn palette. They were known as Robin's bread for the bird's penchant for them and the ferocity with which this feisty favourite would defend its food source from invaders.

You might by now be wondering how the blog title fits in here....well your normal forager would probably be collecting crab apples or nuts of some description at this time of year. Not us.....nope we came home with pockets stuffed with old golf balls that crossed the course boundary and then rolled down into the copse. TYM has bought himself some clubs [from the charity where he's volunteering a few hours a week] and they're for him. Saves him a few pennies when he next goes with his mate!



  1. What beauty outside your door. Good find on the golf balls-they are getting pricey here.

    1. We are blessed indeed. Arilx

    2. Okay. Now I have to ask. What does gnat bottom towers mean? Your walk looks glorious.

    3. It means being very miserly with your this case it's meant as a joke against myself as I'm pretty thrifty, but not mean with my money. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...