Monday, 12 October 2020

In for a penny in for a pound.

As a clothes sorter volunteer for a local charity, we're allowed to keep the odd item for ourselves. One of the items that came out of my bags was a Per Una skirt which I really liked. "Keep it" my friend urged as it was destined just to be recycled even though it's still in very good condition. Reuse is better than recycle, so I brought it home even though I knew it was far too big for me. 

I'm no seamstress, but the one thing I've learnt this year is to give it a go and not get too hung up on the results. Not having had to pay for it what did I have to lose by trying to alter it....worst case scenario was that it ended up being put back in the recycling next month. Having thought my way round it before I touched a pair of scissors I whipped out the zip and lining and then cut a section off straight across the top. With some black fabric I already had I made the tie, stitched back in the lining and restitched the side seam. I don't mind the shorter length as I always intended to wear it with long boots and a cardigan so it suits me fine. Not having a machine has made this the perfect project for the cooler evenings whilst catching up on the TV programmes I've missed.

It isn't perfect, but I'm pleased with it and I now feel encouraged to have a go again if I find something else that could become wearable with a bit of tinkering with.



  1. Brilliant! It will look good with boots and a jumper this winter :D

  2. Well done! I learnt to sew by taking things apart I'd bought for pennies at jumble sales. You've got the right idea, don't get too hung up on the end result, every attempt is a lesson learnt. the skirt looks great! x

  3. Well done, it's a really nice skirt, hope you get some wear out of it. I should be brave and attempt some alterations, something I've never done, I'll keep an eye out for something at the charity shop.

  4. Good for you, Aril! You've nudged the re-use indicator in the better direction and scored a spirit-lifting skirt as a reward! Like the fall colors, and like the idea of wearing something over winter boots and thermals that's not fleece running pants.

  5. Thank you for all for your positive responses. It doesn't look too bad on either. Arilx

  6. Good for you. I've never understood the attraction of new clothes. It makes no sense to me when you can buy perfectly wonderful clothing in thrift stores. Leaves me with more money to do interesting things.

  7. Well done to you! That is brilliant. I like Per Una skirts!


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