Monday, 5 October 2020

Fully booked up.

Another birthday came and went last week and my lovely family and friends spoilt me rotten again. A beautiful blue hare has joined my hippy table along with more reading matter which should keep me out of mischief. I have never read any Terry Pratchett before, but I am curious and this one was suggested to me. 

In the middle are the instructions for the moth trap my parents bought me which I am blown away by. I have always been fascinated by what I might find [they will all be released unharmed!] and actually looked into getting one this year, but its price was more than I could justify and much as I like the idea of making one in my head in reality we've already got plenty to do. If the weather dries up I might just give it a whirl one evening, although I suspect it's probably too cold now. It's something exciting to look forwards to next year though!



  1. Belated birthday wishes to you. Witches Abroad was the first Pratchett book I read and then I was hooked, going back to read the entire Discworld series in order. Of course it helped that the three witches reminded me of members of my family 🤣🤣

    1. I never fancied reading Pratchett before, but am now looking forwards to it. All the feedback from others has been very positive. Arilx

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to you! xxx

    1. Thanks Vix. I'm another 1966 vintage like you! Arilx

  3. What a handsome haul for your birthday celebration, well-timed for the staying indoors season ahead. The moth trap sounds intriguing! When I was a kid, we enjoyed watching the barn kittens moth hunting beneath the big yard light. No moth was ever caught, but the kittens had fun trying.

    1. Our old cat used to be very good at catching moths. It was a favourite snack of hers! Arilx

  4. Happy Birthday Aril! You've some cracking reads there. I've only read a few Pratchett's and loved them all and had a loose plan to read them all as library borrowings this year, but then the fates intervened. It's still a goal!

    1. I'm sure you'll achieve your goal...goal posts can always be moved! Arilx

  5. Happy belated birthday. Your hare looks quite beautiful there. I'm curious about the mermaids though. Did you make them?

    1. Thank you and yes I did make them. Arilx


Saunter on a Saturday

 Our world has dramatically shrunk to twice weekly visits to the hospital. We had what felt like a major setback this week, but we did know ...