Thursday 31 December 2020

2020 Tick

"You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days."
Alain de Botton

It's stating the bleeding obvious that we've all been "bashed about a bit" these past few months. I have spend a princely £1.50 [naturally reduced from a tenner] on a Attitude of Gratitude diary. The cynical part of me thinks it's a bit naff, but by writing down three good things a day it does make me live more in the moment and gives me a record to read back over when I'm in a towering grump. The jolly little artwork was found brightening up some sort of utilities box on my walk with a friend yesterday. 

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!


  1. I've been doing this for a couple of years now and it does make a difference to my attitude to life. I found it really hard at first to complete up with three genuine reasons to be grateful but the regular practice has paid off.

    Happy New Year to you too xx

    1. I shall persist. I've already done a practice week. Arilx

  2. Once upon a time...I worked with first responders in a very active corner of our city. The standard greeting offered personnel coming on duty was, "Usual hell. May you be blessed with boredom." (And everything you've heard about full moons and craziness is true.)

    1. You have to be careful what you wish for sometimes! Arilx

  3. Have an amazing 2021, Aril! I am glad to have 'found' you.

    1. Likewise Debby. Thank you for all your comments. Arilx

  4. I had planned to buy a diary and actually keep it this year. Lockdown means it isn't going to happen any time soon but Happy New Year. x

    1. I got in just before we went into Tier 4. Arilx


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