Monday 7 December 2020

Lighting Up


No your eyes are not deceiving you....that's us in tatters in December 2020. Right up until the tiers were announced last week it was touch and go whether our regular Treedressing event would even be able to go ahead and sadly the other side we normally perform with fell foul of them and weren't allowed to travel.

We were back at the Weald and Downland museum [where they film "The Repair Shop"]. With plenty of rules to adhere dancing, singing etc etc this was a much pared down occasion, but I took my tambourine along and gave it some welly during the set we played and the procession. At the end the central trees are festooned with decorated jam jars of twinkly candles which always starts my Yule for me. I never feel Christmassy until we get to this point. Maybe it wasn't the full fat version that I'm accustomed to, but frankly I don't care. I am very appreciative that we were able to attend at all. It's the first time we've performed since February. 

I'll leave you with just a handful of photos that I took quickly before we finished. Thanks to our squire Martin for giving me permission to use the first photo that he took of Mr and Mrs GBT.



  1. What a fabulous event even pared down:) You look amazing in your tatters. We watch the Repair Shop every week and I've always meant to have a look to see where it is. Happy Yule.

  2. I love this but am mystified by 'no singing'

  3. Well, now you've sent me off to google once again to read about tree dressing day. What a lovely custom!

    I want to thank you also for your comment about The Father Christmas Letters. I had never read it (or if I did, I've forgotten, which is completely possible.) I have it on order from the local used book shop. I appreciate it.

  4. "Full fat..." or skim, it is still a beautiful celebration! And to further mix our metaphors (and in a true ecumenical spirit), as a Jewish friend remarked when informed the only sandwiches available were ham: "To a starving man, all food is blessed."

  5. Don't you both look fabulous?
    I#m glad you had fun ad a bit of normality, I keep telling myself that this time next year all this will be a distant memory! xxx

  6. Thank you everyone! Much to my astonishment we were featured on a short clip on the regional BBC news programme the next day....I think it must have been a slow day for the programme makers. The back of my head is now famous!! Arilx

  7. I'm so glad you got to do this!


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...