Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Roll out the barrel.

Absolutely nothing festive about this barrel whatsoever....it's just those colours and the sunburst detail. It reminds me of the Refreshers packaging which is one of my absolute favourite sweeties [I scoff the whole lot all in one go away from others so that I don't have to share 😈 ] I did do a quick Google search to see if I could unearth any fascinating barrel related facts, but frankly from what I read they were dull as ditch water and certainly not a barrel of laughs [ho, ho]. A friend did suggest that if unicorns drank beer this would be their barrel of choice....anyway enough of this silliness. I was out with Ice Badger on Saturday when I saw it. Tomorrow I shall track down my inner adult and write a grown up post about our local ambling.



  1. In the bleak of past fall and when there is no snow, the pop of color anywhere is a nice view. I like your friends suggestion of a unicorn keg.

    1. I make a point of trying to find a bit of colour when I'm out. Arilx

  2. Oh, I dunno...add a tattered cushion to the top and this barrel might serve as a seat at next year's Treedressing. (This year's celebration looked like great fun. I've long asserted that there are vitamins in colors.)

    1. I've seen benches and tables made in similar ways....especially that outdoor winter eating is about the only thing we can do with friends these days in the UK! Arilx

  3. Oh it is so jolly! I am glad I am not the only ones to eat sweeties in seclusion. CBC really, really annoys me as he says "Sweets are bad for you!" when I eat them but I eat them slowly and in a controlled manner- sweets and choc last days but when he finds them he scoffs the lot and then bitches how unhealthy they are! It annoys me SOOO much! He decimated a Green and blacks with Almond bar today- I got one line of it!



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