Monday 22 February 2021

Moth eaten

With the little signs of Spring starting to show themselves I am gearing myself up to using my new moth trap [birthday present from last year] and in anticipation I have invested in one of these.

I have just put it out there that, as a completely rank beginner, I would like something easy for starters Elephant Hawkmoth would be perfect. However, I think 50 shades of brown is more likely and it might take me while to correctly identify any that I catch.....perhaps Confused, Suspected and Unknown ones might flutter my way [they are indeed all British moth species].

From a recent illuminating virtual talk I recently attended I now know that there is no difference between butterflies and moths and if you want to attract them into your garden in a low budget fashion then a ripe banana slit along the sides and placed somewhere like a birdtable should bring them in to feast [particularly effective in the Autumn. One of my favourite things I learnt was that many types owe their names to our Victorian forebears. This revelation sent me scurrying to the pages of my new book and picking our a few for your delectation.....Maiden's Blush, Brussels Lace, Chimney Sweeper, Buttoned Snout, Hoary Footman, Slender Burnished Brass, Pretty Pinion and Dusky Brocade. It all creates a rather wonderful vision in my mind of an overcrowded parlour with aspidistras in majolica plant stands, lace covered tables, Staffordshire Pottery dogs and ladies rustling around in fussy crinoline confections......



  1. Imagine what would happen if we were naming moths today? Oh, look everyone it's a Cappuccino Brown.

    1. That's a perfect modern moment recorded right there! Arilx


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