Friday, 20 August 2021

All dressed up with somewhere to go.

 I like dresses. For reasons unknown I hardly ever wear dresses. If I ever venture onto Ebay it's always full of suggestions as to what might tickle my fancy. Occasionally it hits the bullseye and one of the dresses it showed me I really loved. However, I rarely buy new and I didn't need it so I politely ignored its advertising and that was that.

Now I need a dress for a wedding and....well you know where I'm going with all this!

I already have a natty pair of long turquoise boots which will go with it. The wedding is going to be a steampunk/pagan affair so conventional wedding attire wouldn't be appropriate...just as well really!

Have a lovely weekend.



  1. Dress is beautiful! e-bay is a constant source of delight for me........... :)

    1. I don't spend too much time on's all too tempting otherwise! Arilx

  2. I'm on a no new purchased clothing goal this year, after two wedding attire purchases in spring. They've not been worn since so feel like a waste. I think your dress is quite charming.

    1. I admire you Sam for that. Usually I'm only buying stuff where things have worn out and I try to source preloved. Arilx

  3. I am a dress wearer, I just find them comfortable. Love the colours in your new purchase, and turquoise boots - yes please!

    1. I love wearing long skirts and tend to favour them when I'm not working/walking or dancing. Arilx

  4. Dresses and skirts all the way for me, trousers are such a faff!
    Loving that outfit! x

    1. I am looking forwards to wearing it in October. Arilx

  5. OOoh, that's really pretty! And I want to see the turquoise boots now!


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