Thursday 12 August 2021

The Changing Room

" Will you be changed if you go into a changing room?" . Bubblegum philosophy at best eh, but you might think about something differently if they start putting quotes up on the wall like this one in Horsham yesterday.

Perhaps it falls into the schmalzy category, but I didn't mind the sentiment and the different perspectives we all have when presented with the same things. It might seem a bit of a weird place to have taken photo, but rest assured I was on my own with no others waiting and had only hopped in to try on a pair of jeans. Trousers are the one thing that I can't buy blind as I never know whether the cut will fit me properly or not. These did, but are way too dull to feature here, but I did strike gold a couple of weeks ago and buy myself some new-to-me threads. 

With the upturn in the weather they should see some wear in the coming days🌞⛅🌻 Hopefully I haven't jinxed it!



  1. We love your muslins and hope you get the weather to enjoy them.

    1. Thank you. I have already worn one of the tops. Arilx

  2. A very pretty choice, almost see you doing the flamenco in that skirt Aril.

    1. Would a jiggle to live music sometime count instead?!! Arilx

  3. Those new-to-you bits are lovely! I always dive on cotton in charity shops, it's a rarity these days with all the fast fashion littering the chazzas! x

    1. I must have struck lucky then. Didn't realise that cotton was rare these days. Have always been one for natural fabrics even when second hand buying. Arilx

  4. Oh I LOVE the skirt!!! :) I don't mind the schmaltz as long as the message is conveyed; I often write them down with a view to future embroideries or other crafts. :) They would cheer up an otherwise drab changing room too, they're usually pretty soulless places.
    I like the idea of the changing room changing you :)

    1. Thank you. I shall be wearing it with a bright red lipstick! Ailx

  5. Very pretty new clothes. I love the white shirt-I might not look the best in sleeveless, but that one has a lovely style. I have a love hate perspective on the schmaltzy sayings. Some are very trivial, but then every once in a while, one will hit home.

    1. Thank you Sam. I wore it for my dancing practice last night. Arilx


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