Wednesday, 9 February 2022


Sometimes experiences change you forever. Without going into details I witnessed a tragedy near my home last week. Nothing ever prepares you for that type of shock or gives you the blueprint for how you should react. I'm dealing with the fallout this week, but perhaps the induced staying at home due to  TYM's Covid is actually a blessing because it's giving me a chance to rest and get my anxiety back into the wings where it belongs. If I was working this week I would be spinning faster and faster in an attempt to outrun my emotions. The other thing it's given me is perspective about what really matters which I am reminding myself everytime a wave of panic is threatening. So for now I am focussing on the small bright spots of each day here at GBT....a surprise bunch of daffs from my parents and two fabulous rainbow mugs from Witchy Woo who was clearing out her cupboards yesterday. That day a family lost a much loved parent and a grandparent.....😢



  1. Your blog evidences so much interest in and paying attention to the world and its details, so much looking and seeing, that it is perhaps not surprising you were witness to something that might have escaped the notice of others. We hope you are able to process it fully and find your peace with the emotions it sparks. The daffs and mugs are beautiful btw.

  2. Life is not an easy ride at times is it? The shock will run it's course as it must. What better therapist could you wish for than Humphrey. Sending virtual hugs and purrs from Kitty and Wilbur. xx

  3. I am sorry. It rather seems that the universe is reaching comforting arms out to you at the moment though, and I am glad for that.

  4. What a thoughtful and pretty gift.
    I'm sorry you had to witness something upsetting. xxx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...