Friday, 5 December 2014

Certificates Evening.

We have been along to our son's GCSE certificates evening tonight at his old school as they bid farewell to the class of 2014. It was a far more emotional experience than I  had anticipated. Much guffawing as they ran a VT of our children's time at the school...quick flashes of the small person reminding of who he was through to now. Starting when he was a cute 11 year old loving school and ridiculously eager through to the long haired sometimes reticent chap around the 13-14 mark at times struggling to fit in with his Aspergers  to the tall trendy young man with the immaculate quiff that I have today who's once again enthusiastic with loads of friends and rarely at home except to study or eat! He still gives his Muvva a darn good hug though.

It was really moving to see the young people receive prizes for all their achievements. Naturally some were for academic achievement, but others were recognised for the sheer effort they had made and where they had exceeded expectations. Some had fought extended periods of illness and personal tragedy to come through with good sets of results whilst others had contributed hugely to charity work, sport, music and other initiatives. My son got a mention for his set of results which made me immensely proud.

The headmaster closed his speech with some quotes and then these three pieces of advice to this former students as they embark upon their adult lives:

1. Be honest.

2. Have integrity.

3. And most important of all was - Be kind.

True, so true.



  1. So glad to here that the boy hugs continue for a few more years! x

  2. Yes and they still need their Mums just on their terms! I have a chair in my bedroom where he would park his bottom if he needed to talk about something in private which has been a godsend as we've supported him through the turbulent teens.


Flowers for Tuesday

Just a wee photo for today as it's shaping up to be a busy week.  It's a bit of a shame really because this piece of artwork is hidd...