Friday, 12 December 2014

Happy Feet.

My type of shopping these days is mainly of the hunter gatherer type round the supermarket once a week. Leave it any longer and the teenogre would probably start gnawing at his own arm...he's a genuinely hungry chap who needs the calories right now. I have reason to believe that we are singlehandedly propping up the breakfast cereal market at the moment!

Tuesday found me with a whole day off so I tootled down the town with a chum who'd been over meeting the black furry purry one. Having done all the bits I needed to do, I made the fatal mistake of crossing the threshold of the most reasonably priced charity shop in the town. It's an individual one made up of the local churches and its approach to clothing is keep it low to keep the stock moving. I've had some fabulous bargains over the last year or so since it opened.

In a moment of weakness I let the material girl out of her box...she's been mithering for weeks about needing a Christmas present and for once the GBT purse [that's her on the left with the red hair if you needing reminding] was in a good mood. Nothing to do with the unsupervised access I've allowed her to the bottle of homemade raspberry vodka then!

Anyway the material girl spotted a rather snazzy pair of immaculate purple leather boots for a fiver in my size that just gave me that ooh feeling when I clapped eyes on them. "Aww there's more where that came from" said the GBT purse boozily flinging 500 pennies onto the counter whilst draping her arm around the material girl [they're normally arch enemies] Well make hay while the sun shines is my motto so I managed to wrestle a further 700 pennies out of her sweaty paw [she only put up a token fight] and the cardi plus a denim skirt [far too dull to photograph] came home with me too. The material girl has been purring like Eartha Kitt ever since!


1 comment:


  When we bought a new computer a few months ago it came with a very shiny sticker on it. You may quite rightly wonder why I've opened t...